I've started a new interesting journey and that's web-animation. This also include app animation. I have more experience in the principles of animation then the typical coder, and I can now deliver packages were you can implement logo or other elements pretty easily, and it's also simple to do iterations making a sweet a customized animated web experience.
Den Norske Filmskolen
This project were a collaboration between Neue, Jerry & Conrad, me and my good buddy Ola Marvin Leier. Ola took the coding part and I did the animating and executed the idea. This project were really fun and got to explore together with Ola and find lots of new possibilities of web-animation.
For this we used Bodymovin for After Effects to extract the animation and Ola did the java script coding for the scrolling effect, and other magic.
Take a look at the site, the effect is prominent when you back scroll up the site.
Vibble - Music mixing made easy
I did web-animation for the Dj-app called Vibble. If you download the app and there you see the animated logo on the opening screen.
Voisey - The singing logo
I created to logo intro and logo animation for the app Voisey.
You can read more about that here: